Thursday, May 29, 2008

i am going to play to sports now netball and hockey

I am going to play netball as well as hockey. So now I will be really tided after hockey first then be even more tided after netball but that’s ok. I am going to play hockey for an hour then I am going to go and play netball for I don’t know really I think that’s it’s ¾ of an hour so that’s all together is an hour and forty five minters and with only a little break in-between it all. But that’s all ok with me because I chooses to do all of it and I want to do it all to. So now I am going to play both sports on the same day I will have to not get all tided and wired because we might lose. I have no idea what position I am going to play in netball but I am mostly always centre forward and I have to do a lot of running it what place and I have to do lots of running. So now I am playing two sports and I like doing that.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

jones cup

On the 14th of may 2008 the school went to Jones Cup practice and when we got there we put our bags down and went to shoot hops and then about 20 minters later we got called to came to the teacher then we got sent to placers the boys got sent to the bottom field and the girls got sent to the top courts I had a lot of fun. First of all we did some stretchers then we did lots and lots and lots and lots of game then we played a netball game I didn’t have a very good team but all wall. We lost all of our games at about 2:50 pm our intermediate team and joinour team went and got our uniform and the seniors played a game and got there positions and then we had to go back home.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

my horsey hoilday with nana and grandad

On the 27th of April our nana and granddad come out for lunch and Caterina and I went with them home to there place When we go there we took our bags out of the car a put them in our room that we were sleeping in then went upstairs and granddad asked as if we wanted a can of coke and we said yes pleas So we got one then I asked if we could watch TV and he was waiting for as to say that and he said yeas we could watch it so we did.

We had macaroni cheese for dinner and ice cream and peaches for pudding it was nice. We watched a movie called the wrinkles in time it got boring to we let nana and grandad watch it instead of as watch that dome thing we watched the news and that was ok with as. After that we watched close up then we all went to bed.

In the morning I got up at about 7:45 and granddad was already up and making there tea and I was too late to make them because I am meant to make them. After that at about 12:00 we went in to waiter to find a red vest for pony club on Thursday and it was Tuesday and we only fond one and it was mine it would be to big for Caterina and we still fond none it three shops but o well then we came home did some stuff then went to bed o and we had dinner then went to bed. In the morning I got up at 7:00 and made the cup of tea and they got it in bed we did nothing all day expert me and Caterina played on the computer all day and at about 2:00 we went to 4 square to get some lollies so we got lots of them to keep as not hungry and they were nice we had dinner then went to bed. In the morning it was Thursday I made them a cup of tea then went back to bed. In about another half an hour granddad came in a said to get up he would more like as to be on the computer instead because it was pony club day so we hurry got up the had breakfast then got all of our stuff in the car we didn’t have to go till 10:00 so we played on the computer till we had to go. When we left we stop in Inglewood diary to get our lunch Caterina, granddad and I all got a pie and granddad got nana a sandwich and Caterina and I both got a drunk of pipes it was nice we got in they car J then we went to the Stratford pony club grounds and ate our lunch while waiting for mum when she came we hurry got all the stuff out of the car then the horse too. After that Mum Caterina and I went to get our horses from Annie’s place because we have only got a 2 horse float and we had to drop our horses off there a day before the day came when we got there we put the horses in the horses float then we to the grounds got the horses out and saddled them up and went to go warm them up. About 10 minters later we had to go in to the arena to have our lesson when we had done our turn we went out then got the horses unsaddled then took 2 horses back to Annie’s place then mum came back then we put our horses on the float then went back too. We got all of the stuff out of the car then put our horses in the paddock then went in side 2 girls where they called meg and Lucy we stayed there that night w did the same thing the next day then we stayed there that night too the next morning we went home with 2 horses then the next day we come back for the last lot of horse and then it was school time the next day.